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Lady Gaga Says Tony Bennett Hates The Way Martin Scorsese Portrays Italians In His Films

While Martin Scorsese has shown his appreciation for Tony Bennett’s pipes by featuring a few of his tunes in his movies, most prominently using “Rags to Riches” in Goodfellas, it turns out that Bennett’s got a bit of a problem with Scorsese’s movies—at least according to Lady Gaga.

Marty’s name came up during a post-screening Q&A of the new Ridley Scott movie House of Gucci, in which Gaga plays Italian socialite Patrizia Reggiani, the ex-wife of Gucci heir Maurizio Gucci, whom she hired a hitman to kill. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Gaga—who reportedly spoke in an Italian accent for nine months straight while working on the movie—talked about how important it was to her to portray Reggiani as a fully fleshed-out character, and not just some “caricature” of an Italian woman. Which is when she then dropped the bombshell that:

“[Tony] famously talks about his distaste for Marty Scorsese’s films. How much he dislikes the way that Italians are portrayed in crime. Tony does not fully talk to me about this right now [because of] the state that he’s in [with Alzheimer’s], which is probably best for me, but I’ve tried to explain it to him.”

Though Gaga says Bennett “famously” talks about his disdain for Scorsese’s movies, it’s the first most people are hearing about this. And it might even come as a surprise to Scorsese himself, who back in August took time away from shooting his latest film to record a 95th birthday greeting for Bennett, in which he sent the crooner “love from Oklahoma,” and told him he’d see him soon. The video was posted to Bennett’ Facebook page with the caption: “What a day, and what a night! 95 feels great with the love from friends like Martin Scorsese. Thank you for this video. #happy95tony #igetakickoutofyou”

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)