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Wacky Mike Lindell Is Lashing Out At Fox News And Newsmax As ‘Traitors’ To America

Mike Lindell is running low on allies. While the MyPillow mogul was riding high back in early 2021, hanging out at the White House in an attempt to help outgoing president Donald Trump hang onto his desk in the Oval Office, no one seems all that interested in Lindell anymore—especially since he was slapped with a $1.3 billion lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems a year ago. Enter Steve Bannon: Trump’s former campaign manager has been happy to give Lindell a platform to air his many grievances and grudges, and it’s made for some pretty quotable content.

Most recently, as Raw Story reports, Bannon invited Lindell onto his “War Room” podcast, where the pillow man laid into Newsmax, Fox News, and other right-wing media outlets for ignoring his latest crusade: ridding the country of its voting machines.

“Since Friday, since this case dropped, the left media is the ones that have picked it up!,” Lindell told Bannon. “You have Business Insider, Newsweek, these guys did articles. Where’s Fox News? Where are they to report this?”

While the fact that the mainstream media (hello!) seems more interested in covering Lindell’s increasingly wacky lawsuits more for the entertainment value seems lost on him, Bannon seemed to be having some fun by pushing the matter. When he asked Lindell what reason outlets like Fox News and Newsmax would have for not covering his latest lawsuit, his answer was simple:

“Fox, I believe they’re just traitors to the country. And I believe Newsmax are cowards. Simple as that—cowards and traitors, cowards and traitors.”

You can watch Lindell and Bannon’s interview above.

(Via Raw Story)