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Washington Senator Calls Everything About Ted Cruz Comparing Pro-Choice Protestors To Insurrectionists ‘Offensive’

To describe Ted Cruz as “offensive” is really nothing new, but Washington senator Patty Murray found about a half-dozen different reasons to deem him as such. As Raw Story reports, Murray as a guest on MSNBC on Wednesday, where she chatted with Joy Reid about the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion and attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

In discussing the topic, Reid played a clip of Cruz making a ridiculous comparison between the peaceful protestors who are demonstrating outside the homes of those Justices looking to overturn this half-century-old decision and the murderous rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6. An apoplectic Reid lamented the fact that Cruz and his cronies “are comparing people who are holding candles outside of one of these rights-stripping Supreme Court justices’ homes, to the people who busted into the Capitol, sh*t on the floor and threatened to hang the vice president of the United States while smashing through glass and trying to kill United States senators and members of Congress,” then asked Murray for her thoughts. She didn’t hold back, calling it “one of the most offensive things I’ve heard and I’ve heard a lot of offensive things since the Supreme Court leaked this memo.

But Murray, who was in the Capitol on January 6th, didn’t stop there, saying that the pro-choice protestors are “nothing compared to January 6th and I find that offensive.” Then she dug further into Cruz:

“I find his words offensive, I find his tone offensive, and I find his message offensive. What we are talking about today are Republican politicians who are going to take over your choices in your life and tell you what they believe in is more important than you and not only more important but they are going to impose it on you. That to me is offensive. That is using words and legislative language and intent to take away your rights—far different than what happened on January 6th.”

Meanwhile, Cruz is standing his ground—mostly by retweeting footage of protestors exercising their right to have an opinion. With the occasional bit of snark thrown in to remind you why he’s so disliked.

You can watch Reid’s full interview with Murray above.

(Via Raw Story)