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A British Tabloid Accurately Predicted That A Lettuce Head Would Last Longer Than British PM Liz Truss (Let The Joke Tossing Begin)

In case British politics weren’t confusing enough, people on Twitter are having a field day over a head of lettuce following the news that Liz Truss will resign as Britain’s prime minister after a scant six weeks in office. (And, yes, there’s already talk of Boris Johnson coming back.) Truss made the announcement on Thursday following a disastrous economic plan that severely impacted the British pound.

Truss was already on shaky ground following her controversial appointment just two days after Queen Elizabeth II’s death, which prompted a British tabloid, the Daily Star, to come up with a cheeky, produce-based contest to see how long Truss would last in office. Via PEOPLE:

Writing about how quickly she lost hold of the government ​The Economist estimated that Truss had just “seven days in control” — which equated to, as the magazine put it, “roughly the shelf-life of a lettuce.”

British tabloid Daily Star seized on the comparison, quickly setting up a live feed of a head of lettuce next to Truss’ photo and asking: “Will Liz Truss outlast this lettuce?”

To the surprise of everyone, the lettuce won. Truss will head out, and Twitter has been having an absolute field day with the fact that she lost to head of iceberg lettuce. Even Anthony Scaramucci got in the act. Although, in fairness, Truss lasted much longer than his infamous 10 day run as the White House Director of Communications during Trump’s first year in office.

You can just some of the Liz Truss lettuce jokes below:

(Via PEOPLE & Daily Star)