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Tom Cruise Is Reportedly Teaming Up With Elon Musk To Make The First Action Movie Filmed In Outer Space

The world is facing unprecedented tragedy thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, with over 60,000 Americans dead and millions suddenly out of work, unsure about their futures. Meanwhile, Elon Musk is apparently still planning on going to space. But that’s not all: According to Deadline, Tesla’s CEO and chairman, who Forbes calculates is currently worth $38.7 billion, is teaming up with Tom Cruise to make a cinema first: a narrative movie filmed in outer space.

There are no details about the movie, beyond it being an action adventure and that it won’t be connected to any Cruise franchise. That means you won’t see Mission: Impossible daredevil Ethan Hunt in space, unless this changes. Nor is any studio currently involved. Deadline claims it’s all in the early stages, so it may not happen until life has been restored to something resembling order — perhaps after the eternally youthful Cruise has crossed the 60-year-old mark, when he may still be willing to put his life at risk to entertain us.

Musk has been working on revolutionizing space transportation with his company SpaceX, which alone is worth $20 billion, and it’s likely that only the rich and powerful will be able to afford cruising between the stars like some jet around the nation or planet. Cruise is definitely someone who could afford a SpaceX flight, but this, of course, would be one better. If so, it would — and this is true — be the first movie Cruise has made not only filmed but also set in outer space.

(Via Deadline)