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Bill Burr Absolutely Blasted Joe Rogan For Saying That People Who Wear Masks During The Pandemic Are ‘Bitches’

Masks help reduce the spread of COVID-19. No one can confirm the precise percentage of reduction, but the plummeting rates in East Asian countries confirm that their take on the mask issue is working. And here in the U.S.? Well, it’s become a point of political contention with some people insisting that wearing a mask violates their personal freedom. Sadly, that mindset doesn’t take into account the health of everyone the non-mask-wearers will infect, and as a recent sentiment expressed on Twitter points out, “[M]asks aren’t exactly comfortable, but neither are bras, and a good portion of the population wears those regularly for far less important reasons.” Well, Bill Burr gets it.

During the stand-up comedian’s visit this week on The Joe Rogan Experience, Burr and host Joe Rogan dug into a number of issues, including the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests. When the pandemic part of the discussion began, the The King Of Staten Island star lamented how people are out and about in the community while maskless, acting like the novel coronavirus is not a big deal. When Rogen started to coyly prod Burr on the issue, Burr immediately pushed back:

“I don’t want to start this bullshit. I’m not gonna sit here with no medical degree, listening to you with no medical degree, with an American flag behind you smoking a cigar, acting like we know what’s up, better than the CDC. All I do, is I watch the news once every two weeks — I’m like, ‘Mask or no mask? Still mask? Alright, mask! That’s all I give a f*ck about.”

The banter between the two continued…

Burr: “I just love how wearing a mask became like this f*cking like soft thing…like being courteous…”

Rogan: “It’s for bitches.”

Burr: “Why is it for bitches?”

Rogan: (Fakes weak cough)

Burr: “Oh God you’re so tough with your f*cking open nose and throat…and your five o’clock shadow. This is a man right here!”

As this Twitter user noted, Burr basically tells Rogan to “shut the f*ck up” in the most polite way possible. You can watch the full episode here, if you have three hours to spare.