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Eric Trump Claims His Father Worked ’24 Hours A Day’ As President, Ignoring The Hours Of Fox News He Watched Daily

We don’t see or hear from Joe Biden all that much, which is as it should be: It’s not normal to be aware of what the president is doing every day, much less every hour. Americans may have even gotten used to having a commander-in-chief who doesn’t think he’s the center of the universe. Others miss that feeling of non-stop anxiety. One of them is Eric Trump, the less seen non-teen son of the previous president. (Although at least Eric isn’t the one his father reportedly thinks should serve jail time.) Like Don Jr., Eric likes to go on TV and publicly suck up to his own dad. Still, some of the claims he makes about him don’t seem to add up.

Eric went on Fox News Tuesday, where he slammed the Biden administration while also heaping hyperbole upon his own father, whose own former personal attorney thinks will gladly allow his kids to go to jail instead of him. Eric took umbrage with how Biden and team aren’t always “present,” unlike his father, often traveling or relaxing.

“These people are not present,” Eric railed. “The difference between them and my father, my father sat there 24 hours a day.”

For one thing, Trump wasn’t that present either. As per The Washington Post, he visited Trump properties, including Mar-a-Lago, for over half of the weekends he was president. He played 261 rounds of golf in four years; Obama, meanwhile, played 333 rounds over eight years. Most of those were in Florida, at his own golf resort. What’s more, he may have cost taxpayers $109 million just for his Mar-a-Lago flights alone.

But what did he do while in the White House? Well, he watched a ton of Fox News. According to intel leaked to Axios, in his last year in office, he blocked off three hours every morning for “Executive Time,” which isn’t as presidential as it sounded: It was so he could watch TV and tweet, usually angrily. His first meeting wasn’t held till 11am. (George W. Bush, meanwhile, would hold his at 6:45am.) He only worked till 6pm — a mere seven-hour day — though even when he was on the clock, he spent much of that making calls and watching more TV. Some days he would end as early as 4:15pm.

Then again, Eric didn’t actually say his father “worked.” He said he “sat.” So maybe that was just a Freudian slip, revealing what he really did.

Eric’s exaggerated comments about his dad’s impossible schedule did not go unnoticed on social media.

Eric also failed to mention his father’s terrible diet, which may explain why he’d spend all day as president sitting on his butt.

(Via Raw Story)