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‘Shovel Knight’ Developer Yacht Club Games Has Already Met Its Kickstarter Goal For A New Game

Shovel Knight is an indie darling. The 2014 platformer quickly rose to prominence when it released thanks to it being a fantastic homage to many classic NES games and an example of how a Kickstarter-funded indie game can succeed. Before Shovel Knight, crowdfunded games weren’t quite as common as they are today. Now, Kickstarter and other crowdfunding websites are where many indie developers go to seek out funding.

With so much success on the platform, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Yacht Club Games, the developers of Shovel Knight, are once again turning to Kickstarter to fund their newest game, Mina the Hollower. It also shouldn’t be a surprise to find out that the Kickstarter campaign for Mina the Hollower has already met its goal of $311,503.

“You play as Mina, a whip-wielding Hollower and visionary inventor,” Yacht Club Games says of the game. “She receives a troubling letter from Baron Lionel, her longtime patron and the overseer of Tenebrous Isle. Mina’s advances in Spark Technology brought power to the Isle for the first time many years ago, ushering in newfound prosperity for its citizens. But now, the Spark Generators have gone out, and foul play is suspected.”

Sticking to what Yacht Club has been best at so far, the game is currently taking form of a Castlevania/Link’s Awakening style of game. Of course, we expect plenty of originality in the game to help it stand out and feel like its own title. All of this is what Shovel Knight did so well eight years ago: take established mechanics, spin them into something unique, and make a fun game out of it. With that kind of pedigree, it’s no surprise to see people getting behind Mina the Hollower so early.