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Hoo, Boy! Sarah Palin Hinted That She Might Run For Congress In The Most Sarah Palin Way Possible

As if having to deal with the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, and Paul Gosar weren’t already trying enough for Americans who think sanity is a virtue, now Sarah Palin is dropping hints that she may throw her hat and hunting rifle into the congressional ring.

As Raw Story reports, Palin told Sean Hannity that she would indeed think about running to replace Don Young, America’s longest-serving congressman, who died last Friday at the age of 88. Why? Because she’s got the “cojones” to do it (which is just the most Sarah Palin thing to say.) As the cliché-loving former vice-presidential candidate told Hannity:

“There is a time and a season for everything. And if this season is one where I need a more official platform to have, then yeah, I’m going to throw my hat in the ring because we need people that have cajones.

“We need people like Donald Trump, who has nothing to lose, like me. We got nothing to lose and no more of this vanilla, milquetoast, namby-pamby, wussy-pussy stuff that’s been going on, that’s why the country is in the mess we’re in, because people who run for office, they look at it as a job or a business instead of as a calling.”

JFC—help us all!

Young, whose congressional seat covers the entire state of Alaska, was flying home to Alaska when he lost consciousness during his plane’s descent. He represented the state for 49 years, more than half his life. The state will hold a special election to replace Young, which they hope to have filled by August, according to The Hill.

(Via Raw Story)