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Donald Trump Is Raging Over Ivanka’s Damning Testimony During The January 6 Hearings

One of the highlights from the first day of the January 6 hearings was Ivanka Trump’s deer-in-headlights testimony. She told the committee that she “accepted” former-Attorney General William Barr’s assessment that there was no evidence of credible fraud in the 2020 election that could have overturned the results. Trump also called what happened on January 6th an “attempted coup” (we would also accept “failed coup”).

Papa President (as he makes her call him, I assume) is not happy.

Donald Trump took to his sputtering social media platform TRUTH Social to, as Mediaite accurately put it, “[do] the previously unthinkable: he threw his daughter under the bus.” The former-president wrote, “Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).”

Suddenly, Trump has a new favorite daughter. He can’t remember her name or the last time he spoke to her, but he knows it’s not Ivanka anymore.

In response to Ivanka’s testimony, CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen wrote, “I have been telling everyone who would listen all week long that we would hear from Ivanka early, but I didn’t think it would be this early! Committee is going right for the jugular. Good. Any trial lawyer worse their salt will tell ya — grabs jury from minute 1 & don’t let go.” Keith Olbermann had, uh, a different takeaway: “IVANKA TRUMP SINKS DADDY says she accepted Barr’s assessment that the fraud claim was nonsense. Goodness.”

This was only day one of the hearings.

(Via Mediaite)