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Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Tweeting Pure Fiction About Mass Shootings, And People Have Had Enough

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (willful) refusal to read the room knows no bounds, it seems, including her decision to back Vladimir Putin right ahead of the holiday weekend. And when the past few days, meant for Americans to celebrate but leaving many feeling little reason to do so, ended up churning out more mass shootings (including against Americans attending a parade for the holiday in question), Greene didn’t change her tone at all. In fact, she’s pointing fingers elsewhere but at permissive gun laws.

The congressman famed for her many linguistic screwups and propensity for spreading damaging conspiracy theories is at it again. She fired off tweets about the Highland shooter, and of course, she completely made up a bunch of stuff about “psychiatric drugs” and “alternate reality games” in her haste to blame anything but guns and the shooter. She further argued that gun control accomplishes nothing.

She really wants that gun lobby money, it seems. Regardless of her motivation, people have had enough of the fiction that Greene passes off as truth. “It’s the guns” proved to be a pointed and resounding response to Greene’s latest refusal to read reality

Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that Greene won her Georgia primary, so her base is still here for her. Whether she survives the November election? That remains to be seen.