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Melania Trump Was Apparently Nowhere To Be Seen After A Post-Arrest Donald Returned To Mar-A-Lago

One can only imagine how relieved Melania Trump was when Donald Trump left the White House. Yes, this is gossipy stuff, and I’m totally reading into everything (especially while posting a photo ^^ of a rare Melania smile), but she looked so happy while heading out of D.C. on Biden’s Inauguration Day. And once the official Trump plane descended upon Mar-a-Lago, she brushed right past Donald while he attempted to snag a photo op with his wife.

The vibe there was that Melania was “clocking out” of duty (to be less diplomatic, it seemed like she gave no f*cks), and since that time, she’s rarely been seen or heard. Reportedly, Mrs. Trump lives a largely Donald-free life while only appearing for the occasional social obligation.

Ahead of Donald’s arrest (for an indictment that related to his Stormy Daniel dealings), reports indicated that Ivanka had snuck into Mar-a-Lago to visit her dad, but Melania stayed pretty quiet. She did not travel with her husband to New York City, and the Palm Beach Post now reports that she did not appear during his “disgusting” evening speech, and reportedly, Trump didn’t mention Melania at all while praising “my family.” Awkward:

[Melania] was not mentioned in a minute-long segment of the speech in which Trump spoke poignantly and lovingly about his family. Here is what he said to alternating loud cheers and moved silence:

“I built a great business with my family. Built a fantastic business. I have a son here who’s done a great job. And I have another son here who’s done a great job. And Tiffany. And Ivanka. And Barron will be great some day. He’s tall, he is tall and he’s smart, but I have a great family and they’ve done a fantastic job and we appreciated it very much.”

Although considering that Trump led into his Barron discussion with “he’s tall, he is tall,” perhaps Melania should count her blessings that she wasn’t mentioned here. Hopefully, she was off getting a spa treatment and living some form of a best life. She’s probably been through a lot.

(Via Palm Beach Post)