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10 things that made us smile this week

Hey ho, happy humans!

Whether you’re feeling stressed over end-of-the-school-year chaos, depressed over the challenges our world faces or refreshed by the beautiful spring blossoms blooming everywhere, you can surely use some extra doses of joy.

In this week’s list, we have some delightful interactions between parents and young adult children, a hilarious take on millennials getting older, some helpful and entertaining animals, a throwback to one of the most iconic (and earwormy) jingles of all time, a photo that has been blowing people’s minds and of course, some utterly adorable toddlers.

We hope these little nuggets brighten your day! Enjoy!

1. Watch this first-generation college student find out he got accepted to Harvard

So much pride and joy. These videos never get old.

2. The Holdernesses welcome millennials to the Gen X club, and it’s too accurate

“The younger generation calling all your clothes ‘vintage.'” HA. It happens to all of us eventually. Read the full story here.

3. If you thought a chinchilla couldn’t be a ninja, you thought wrong


#duet with @The Chinfluencers

Sound up, and wait for the end. Such impeccable timing.

4. Daughter pranks her parents with a fake scholarship video and her mom can’t keep it together

This family is hilarious.

5. This photo is blowing people’s minds because it’s not photoshopped or A.I.-generated or anything

Egret standing in water

It’s a genuine photo. No editing tricks. the brown on the top right is a wall and below is its reflection. Still hard to picture, I know. Find the full explanation with other visual proof that there’s nothing altered in the photo here.

6. Check out these stories of animals sensing when someone needed medical care

Swipe through to see all of them. Our furry friends can be much more than just cuddly companions.

Speaking of which:

7. Cat thinks they’re fighting, doggo makes it clear he thinks they’re playing

Those are some impressive spins there, buddy. Cat doesn’t even know what to do with that.

8. Footage of the Chili’s “Baby Back Ribs” song being recorded is pure nostalgic joy

Everyone who lived through the 90s had this song stuck in their head on repeat for years. Learn more about the famous vocalists behind the iconic jingle here.

9. Kiddo figures out how to give a thumb’s up and it’s 10 seconds of adorableness

You can see those gears turning. Tiny humans are the best. Speaking of which…

10. Wee one has his moves to ‘Uptown Funk’ totally down and it’s so smooooooth


He’s got it pretty much nailed now 🤣 @brunomars

Can’t even talk, but he can sing along with Bruno. And the timing of those foot stomps. May we all dance with such abandon.

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