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Rosalía Went Nuclear On A Spanish Rapper Who Posted Fake Nudes Of Her For ‘Clout’

While critics are excoriating the upcoming show The Idol for its depiction of sexualized violence against pop musicians, a real-life example coincidentally hit social media around the same time as the unforgiving reviews. Spanish singer Rosalía was the subject of faked nude photographs posted by an up-and-coming rapper from her home country, and she was furious about it.

“Ir a buscar clout faltando el respeto y sexualizando a alguien es un tipo d violencia y da asco pero hacerlo por 4 plays de + lo q da es pena,” she wrote on Twitter. In English, that translates (roughly) to: “Going to look for clout disrespecting and sexualizing someone is a type of violence and it’s disgusting but doing it for 4 plays of + what gives is shame.”

The photo in question was apparently taken from Rosalía’s actual social media, then photoshopped with bared, much bigger breasts. The rapper, JC Reyes, covered the nipples with heart emojis to get around the Instagram content guidelines, but it was clear he was hoping for just such a reaction, drawing attention to his music with the faked photo.

While pop stars do often show off a lot of their bodies, the difference is, of course, in their agency in doing so. Rosalía is right to be upset at Reyes for using a photo of her without her consent, manipulating it — again, without consent — and sharing it to his followers — again, without consent. That it was modified to add sexual context that she herself never did — especially in such a blatantly objectifying way, “enhancing” her natural attributes to suit his taste — is indeed disgusting. While famous folks like Rosalía do share a lot of themselves with the public, that doesn’t mean the public is owed anything more than that.