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Trump Is Once Again Grunting And Groaning Like A Constipated Toddler Trying To Fill A Diaper In An Effort To Pander To His Base With His Bad Impression Of Lady Weightlifters

Donald Trump continued to lean into the anti-trans fervor amongst conservative voters by, once again, busting out his lady weightlifter impression during a campaign event in Michigan.

Framed around the contentious issue of transgender athletes, the “bit” involves the former president doing a lot of awkward grunting and groaning at the podium. Although, this time around, Trump almost appeared to be moaning as he trotted out the impression that’s apparently become a key part of his stump speech.

You can see Trump’s impression below:

According to Trump (huge grain of salt right there), the impression comes from the time he watched a female weightlifter fail to beat a world record. Via Mediaite:

“She got over the barbell,” he said. “They put like a little tiny ounce on one side, an ounce on the other. This thing was– if you beat it by an ounce, you have the world record. And she got up there. Should I do it?”

The crowd hooted and hollered.

“I’m gonna do it!” he exclaimed.

Trump lowered his hands and brought them up like a weightlifter.

“Arghhhh!” he grunted. “She couldn’t do it.”

On top of trotting out the weightlifter bit, Trump also told the Michigan crowd that he’s the only one who can stop World War III, which he ominously declared is coming. The former president also pushed back on electric vehicles, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Per usual, the MAGA crowd ate out of Trump’s hands by booing whenever he mentioned Democratic Governor Gretchen Witmer and cheering when Trump promised to fight his “enemies” that are trying to “silence his supporters and take away their freedoms.”

(Via Detroit Free Press)