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Lil Nas X Shares A Risqué Video Of His Halloween Costume As The Viral ‘Munch’ Rapper Ice Spice

Lil Nas X is always at the center of attention, whether that’s because of his world-dominating hits or his provocative social media presence. So of course he would go big for his Halloween costume, which is Ice Spice from her iconic “Munch” music video.

The outfit is identical: A green tube top and frayed denim shorts. But the hair and acrylic nails show true dedication. And where better to do a photoshoot of the costume than in a gas station?

While these pictures went viral, the TikTok was even more attention-grabbing. He lip-syncs and dances along to the song, definitely testing the limits of the short shorts, which many people point out in the comments and praise him for his unhinged bravery.

This all follows the rapper’s other amusing and very viral Twitter moment: when he posted a photo with Will Ferrel. A fan in the replies pointed out, “where is Will’s hand?” Lil Nas X replied, “he couldn’t resist getting a good hand full of this big fat ass. and i couldn’t say no tbh.” He then followed that up with a meme and the caption: “omg if he see this he gone delete old town road from his spotify.”

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Indian village takes a digital siesta for a few hours every day so that people talk to each other

A village in India’s Maharashtra state has had enough of two of the modern world’s greatest addictions, the internet and television. It has imposed a daily digital detox to give people a break from stress-inducing screen time so they can reconnect with the real world.

According to the BBC, a siren goes off every day at 7 p.m. in Vadgaon village in Sangli district, alerting all residents to turn off their TVs and smartphones. At 8:30 p.m., the siren blares again, letting everyone know it’s now OK to reconnect.

Vadgaon has a population of around 3,000 people, mainly composed of sugar mill workers and farmers.

The decision to implement a daily detox came after the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the village’s dependence on technology, especially its kids.

“When physical classes resumed (after Covid lockdown), teachers realized children had become lazy, they did not want to read and write and were mostly engrossed in their mobile phones before and after school hours. There weren’t separate study rooms in the homes of the villagers. So, I put forth the idea of a digital detox,” Vijay Mohite, president of the village council, said according to India Today.

At first, men in the village scoffed at the idea. However, the village’s women agreed that a detox would help the community after they admitted they were spending too much time watching serials on television.

“We decided at the village meeting on 14 August—the eve of India’s Independence Day—that we needed to stop this addiction,” Mohite told BBC. “From the next day, all television sets and mobiles were shut down when the siren went off.”

The time away from screens has allowed for conversation to flourish in the village and provided children with a better environment for studying.

“The children were just not concentrating on their studies before,” Dilip Mohite, a farmer with three sons, told the BBC. “Now, there is a normal conversation [at home, even] among the adults.”

It’s hard to take a digital detox by yourself. Even though your phone may be off, it’s stressful knowing that others might be trying to contact you. But when people take the detox as a group, one of the biggest drawbacks to a detox—fear of missing out—goes by the wayside.

Smartphones aren’t bad in and of themselves, but when we start spending more of our lives in the digital realm instead of the real world, things can quickly get out of balance.

Psychologist Kia-Rai Prewitt, Ph.D., explained the benefits of a digital detox to the Cleveland Clinic.

“Doing a digital detox is a great way to find out if technology is holding you back from living your best life. The results of unplugging can be far-reaching, from being more productive at work to deepening your relationships with family and friends,” Dr. Prewitt wrote. “Benefits of taking a technology timeout include sharper focus, less stress, better social interactions, more control of your time.”

It’d be interesting to see if any researchers study Vadgaon village’s unique approach to technology. It could inspire other places throughout the world to incorporate their own digital siestas where we put down our phones and reconnect with the real world every day for a few hours.

Imagine living in a community where every day, at the same time, people put down their phones, turned off their TVs and played on their lawns, took their dogs for a walk, or went down to the corner bar or coffee shop for a drink. That type of interaction has to make people a lot happier than endlessly scrolling or flipping channels.

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Steven Spielberg went the extra mile to keep E.T. ‘alive’ on set for Drew Barrymore

It’s understandable that a young child seeing a movie like “E.T.” might think the wide-eyed creature from another planet is real. After all, it’s an award-winning film with still-impressive animatronics that bring E.T. to life. One would probably assume, however, that a child who acted in the movie and saw the behind-the-scenes filmmaking process firsthand would know he wasn’t real.

However, that wasn’t the case for actress Drew Barrymore.

Barrymore played the main character’s younger sister, Gertie, in the film. After an initial scare, Gertie adored E.T.—and as it turns out, so did 7-year-old Barrymore.

Barrymore recently had some of the cast members on her daytime talk show for the film’s 40th anniversary and they described how she would interact with the E.T. character, even in-between takes. Henry Thomas, who played the main character Elliott, shared that it had been cold on the set one day and Barrymore asked the wardrobe lady for a scarf to put on E.T. so he wouldn’t get cold.

“I really, really loved him, in such a profound way,” said Barrymore, adding that she would take lunch to the adorable alien on set.

Dee Wallace Stone, who played Elliott and Gertie’s mother in the film, said “We found you over there just talking away to E.T., and so we let Steven [Spielberg] know. And so Steven, from that time on, appointed two guys to keep E.T. alive so whenever you came over to talk to him, he could react to you.”

How incredibly sweet is that?

For young children, the line between reality and fantasy can be quite fuzzy. Kids’ imaginations allow them to believe in everything from fairies to Santa Claus to monsters in their closets, and the fact that Barrymore believed E.T. to be real is such a pure example of childhood innocence.

That Spielberg took care to honor that innocence and nurture Barrymore’s imagination even when they weren’t filming is so touching. It’s particularly moving in this case, considering how key adults in Barrymore’s life were famously not protective of her childhood.

Barrymore has shared that Spielberg has been “a big father figure” in her life and that he refers to her as his first kid. The two have been close since E.T. was filmed four decades ago and she credits Spielberg and the entire E.T. cast with showing her the true meaning of family.

The full reunion episode of “The Drew Barrymore Show” with the “E.T.” cast is set to air on Monday, Oct. 31.

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‘SNL’ pokes fun at Democratic presidential possibilities in ‘2020 Part 2: 2024’ horror trailer

“Saturday Night Live” had some fun with the lukewarm feelings some Democrats have about President Biden over the weekend with a trailer for the mock horror film “2020 Part 2: 2024.”

The bit was funny because it mirrors the sentiments many had about Biden running in 2020. Hence, the trailer was a sequel to the fake film, “2020.”

In the sketch, a group of friends comes to terms with the fact that Joe Biden may be running for reelection at the age of 81. “I mean, I love the guy but he did his part,” “SNL” breakout star Bowen Yang says.

They try to rationalize a second term by pointing out Biden’s numerous achievements but cringe when they consider he recently crashed his bicycle. However uncomfortable Biden’s age makes them, they also have to consider a candidate who may be on the ballot if Biden decides against running again. This is where the true horror begins.

The friends ponder what could happen if the Democrats ran Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker or Pete Buttigieg, striking fear in all of their hearts.

Finally, the group considers the most horrifying and also best-qualified choice of all. “I have the perfect candidate. A superstar who can go all the way—Hillary,” Mikey Day says as he turns into the villain from “Smile.”

While the idea of a repeat of 2020 has some Democrats on edge, a recent poll found that the majority of Americans don’t want to see it happen either. In a prospective presidential race, 64% of voters don’t want to see Joe Biden on the ballot and 68% don’t want to see Trump.

In a hypothetical head-to-head race in 2024, Biden has a 4% lead over Trump.

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Martin Luther King Jr. paid for Julia Roberts’ first major role: Her birth!

When most people think of Julia Roberts, they think of “Pretty Woman” or “Ocean’s Eleven” or one of the other plethora of films she’s acted in. Most people don’t see her signature red hair and broad smile and immediately think of a civil rights icon. But there’s a connection that Gayle King encouraged Roberts to share during a recent interview.

Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King paid for the birth of the megacelebrity when her parents were in a bind with medical bills. The story is obviously more nuanced than the Kings ponying up $300 or whatever the price was to deliver babies back then.

Roberts explained to Gayle King that her parents became acquainted with the Kings after Coretta Scott King asked if her children could attend the acting school Roberts’ parents owned. The two couples became good friends after that, and thanks to a fateful phone call, Roberts was welcomed into this world carrying a little bit of unknown history with her.

The internet is buzzing with disbelief, because who the heck can say their birth was paid for by the Martin Luther King Jr.? Turns out, Julia Roberts, that’s who. Jay Willis commented on Twitter “No this is one of those history facts that my brain can’t process.”

Another commenter reminded us how recent this piece of history was, saying, “Illustrates just how young MLK was when he was assassinated and how recently he lived. Too many of us think America’s racist past was long ago. It is living memory.”

Most other reactions were just complete shock that this happened and isn’t documented, while others noted how uncomfortable Roberts appeared when she relayed the story. Turns out, there was likely good reason for the discomfort. Someone reposted a tweet from 2021 by Ashley Reynolds that included an article detailing how Roberts’ parents were targets of hate after they cast Yolanda King, one of the King’s children, as the lead in their play where she had to kiss a white boy.

The whole connection between the Roberts family and the iconic King family is simply fascinating. Listen to Roberts tell how the friendship happened below.

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Barack Obama had a funny response to a woman who said he’s ‘still fine’ at a campaign rally

Former president Barack Obama reminded everyone of his off-the-cuff sense of humor at a campaign rally for Democratic voters in Detroit on Saturday, October 29. Nearly six years after leaving the White House, the 61-year-old lamented that it was more challenging for him to be out on the campaign trail than it used to be.

“I have to admit that sometimes going out on the campaign trail feels a little harder than it used to,” the 44th president said to the crowd. “Not just because I’m older and grayer…”

A woman behind Obama responded by screaming that he’s still “finer than a mug,” using what sounds like a euphemism for a much stronger phrase. Although, she may have used the whole term. The funny thing is that after she made the bold proclamation, she had no interest in backing down. She stayed strong, nodding affirmatively and twirling her finger in the air as Obama laughed on the stage.

The moment was a refreshing flashback for many who cherish the years when the young, charismatic politician was in office.

Warning: Contains explicit language.

The audience and Obama thought the outburst was funny. “She said I was still fine,” Obama told the crowd with a grin. “I’m not gonna tell Michelle you said that, although Michelle does agree. She knows,” he said.

Obama’s appearance was part of a five-state tour to support Democrats in the midterm elections. The elections are an uphill battle for Democrats who face the headwinds of inflation, economic uncertainty and history. In modern elections, the president’s party has traditionally lost seats in Congress in the midterms.

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Amari Cooper Threw A Hilarious Interception On A Reverse Against The Bengals

The Week 8 edition of Monday Night Football featured an old-school division rivalry. The Cleveland Browns welcomed the Cincinnati Bengals to town and, in the early going, it was a slugfest to say the least. Neither team scored in the first quarter, with fewer than 150 total yards accumulated and a turnover on both sides. However, not all turnovers are created equal, and Cleveland’s giveaway came in hilarious fashion from the right arm of Amari Cooper.

Cooper, who is famously a wide receiver, took a reverse and lofted a ball into Cincinnati’s secondary late in the opening period while being hit. The result was disastrous for the Browns in that there wasn’t a single Cleveland pass-catcher in view for what became a (very) easy interception for Cincinnati’s Vonn Bell.

Obviously, Cooper should not be held to the same standard as a quarterback, and he was under duress when he threw the ball. Still, there has to be a trigger for Cooper to just eat the ball in that circumstance, and he was off-balance before he even uncorked the throw.

Fortunately for Cleveland, the play did not set Cincinnati up in immediate scoring territory, and the Bengals punted on the ensuing possession. As such, maybe this can become a point of amusement for Browns observers, as it certainly was for everyone else.

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Kyle Kuzma Had Too Much Dip On His Chip With This Failed Reverse Dunk Attempt

Kyle Kuzma has had quite the journey in his six year career that’s seen him be an important cog in the Lakers 2020 championship team, only to get dealt the following summer to Washington in the Russell Westbrook trade.

In Washington, Kuzma has continued to refine his game and become a terrific two-way wing, but hyperathleticism has never been part of his game. That’s not to say Kuzma isn’t a good athlete, he’s just not the guy that jumps out of the gym and makes jaw-dropping plays above the rim.

On Halloween, Kuzma decided he’d try to out being a high-flyer and learned the hard way that’s a hard costume to pull off in a game, as he took a fastbreak outlet and decided to try throwing down a reverse, double-pump jam that rocketed off the back of the rim and became a semi-transition three for the Sixers.

This is a textbook case of putting too much dip on your chip, as Kuzma could’ve done any number of things in this situation to get his team two points but couldn’t resist the chance to flex a bit. The problem is, he’s not usually that guy and all he got was a guaranteed spot on Shaqtin’ A Fool this week.

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Who Has Elon Musk Fired From Twitter?

Last week, after months of pushback and attempts to weasel out of the deal, Elon Musk officially acquired Twitter. Whether or not the Tesla and SpaceX honcho will make dramatic changes has yet to be seen. Prominent figures who’ve been banned — most notably former president Donald Trump — will stay so, at least for the time being. But Musk was quick to make one rash move: He fired three of the social media service’s top execs. But which ones?

As per Insider, Musk terminated the positions of former CEO Parag Agrawal, former CFO Ned Segal, and former Chief Legal Officer Vijaya Gadde. But it was all part of a plan. A source told Insider that Musk fired the three execs “for cause” so that he didn’t have to pay them splashy severance packages as well as unvested stock awards.

The execs are reportedly considering taking further action, but it’s not as though they’re leaving the company with empty pockets. They will reportedly still receive hefty payouts; between the three of them, the cash could go as high as $122 million. Musk could avoid these payments if he’s able to prove that there was just cause for the terminations, namely that they broke the law or violated company policy.

Musk is not done retooling his new company. Insider reported that team leaders and VPs spent part of the weekend drawing up lists over who to keep and who to let go based on performance reviews.

Since Musk took over Twitter, things have not gone swimmingly. There was an instant uptick in racist and anti-Semitic posts, as well as ones featuring misinformation. Some of that misinformation was shared by Musk himself when he chimed in on the attempted murder of Nancy Pelosi’s husband by a MAGA fanatic with a claim that’s already been debunked.

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Don Jr. Posted Jokes About Paul Pelosi’s Attempted Murder That Were So Tasteless And Inhumane Even He Deleted Them

If you think Donald Trump is unhinged with social media, just check out his oldest son. Don Jr. routinely goes to lengths even the exiled former president doesn’t, not afraid to ruffle the feathers of even the least easily offended. (Or he simply records deranged, slurry videos that make his dad’s speeches seem like masterful orations.) But in the last two days, he seems to have gone too far even for him.

As per The Daily Beast, Jr. — like way too many in the Republican party — thought it was pretty funny that an 82-year-old was nearly murdered by an unhinged MAGA zombie. Early Friday morning, Paul Pelosi, husband to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, narrowly avoided being hammered to death by a home intruder, with a long history of posting far right talking points. This didn’t prompt self-reflection among the GOP. Instead it inspired them to make lots of jokes. A number of them came from Jr. himself.

One, posted on his Instagram account, featured a picture of underwear and a hammer, with the caption “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.” The post was a reference to a debunked conspiracy theory positing that the perpetrator was a gay sex worker or Grindr hook-up summoned by Paul Pelosi. If you heard this one, it’s because it was amplified by Elon Musk on the social media service he recently acquired. Musk has since deleted the post.

Jr. also deleted this post, as he did with another, featuring a doctored image from South Park depicting Herbert Garrison, during his trans period in the aughts, having sex with evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. “Dear fact-checkers,” he wrote in the caption, “this has nothing at all to do with anything going on in the news and simply posting a cartoon of what appears to be an altered South Park scene.”

But those since-deleted posts now only live on in screengrabs posted by journalists and others on social media. He has yet to delete a joke on Twitter about hammers.

As it happens, his father doesn’t agree with his son, at least not publicly. In an interview with Spanish-language conservative network Americano Media, the ex-president called the attack “terrible,” although he then pivoted, weakly, to blaming it on crime in American cities, which he has claimed, falsely, is at historically high levels. When even Donald Trump takes the high ground, you know the Republican party has somehow found a new low.

(Via The Daily Beast)